This application demonstrates using the Untappd API to gather stats about your beer checkins. In order to use this app, you must be an existing Untappd user.

Login via Untappd

Please stand by, I'm loading your beer information.

You've been a member since {{ profile.date_joined | dateFormat }}. You have checked in {{ profile.stats.total_checkins }} times covering {{ stats.totalUnique }} different beers. You've average rating is {{ stats.avgRating | numberFormat }}. The average ABV of your checkins is {{ stats.avgAbv | numberFormat }} and your average IBU is {{ stats.avgIbu | numberFormat }}.

Top Beers

Worst Beers

Note that we filter out ratings of 0 since that may represent you forgetting to rate it.

Styles (Top 20)

Style Checkins {{ }} {{ style.value }}